What Are Probiotics and Fermented Foods and How Do They Make Us Healthy?

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Scientists have recently discovered that there is a strong connection between the health of our gut (which includes the stomach, intestines and colon) and our overall health. A healthy gut is associated with a stronger immune system, less digestive disorders, lower obesity rates, less inflammation, better heart health and better mental health (due to the gut brain connection).  We can ward off many illnesses if we boost our gut health! What can we do to maintain a healthy gut?

Gut health can be maintained by:

  • Consuming fermented foods/drinks or probiotic foods/ supplements
  • Consuming foods with fiber especially fruits and vegetables
  • Maintaining healthy weight by exercising
  • Keeping stress in check
  • Getting adequate sleep

The focus of this article is probiotics and fermented foods, drinks and supplements. How do probiotics and fermented food/drinks help your gut? They contain bacteria or cultures that bring diversity to the gut biome in your intestines. These friendly bacteria will begin to colonize in your intestines. They will aid in digestion, enabling your body to absorb more nutrients from your food.  They also help your body eliminate toxins and prevent unhealthy bacteria from growing unchecked. They do not live forever so it is important to make consuming probiotics/fermented foods and drinks a habit. Different probiotics and fermented foods/drinks contain different bacteria, so its best to consume a variety or take a probiotic with a high number of strains.

 Probiotics are supplements that add microorganisms to your gut in pill/powder form or are added to foods like yogurt.  There are many probiotics and probiotic formulas on the market today. It is important to take one with multiple beneficial bacteria strains. Probiotic supplements must be taken before the expiration date to ensure the bacteria are alive.  They are best protected in a glass container, not plastic.  Some need to be refrigerated and others are shelf stable.  

If you are interested, check out these organic, raw, 34 strain, vegan, made in the USA probiotics https://amzn.to/3vxsERX

Many fermented foods such as kefir (fermented milk drink), kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, miso and tempeh also contain beneficial microbes.  What happens during fermentation is the bacteria that naturally live on the outside of the vegetables will grow and multiply in the brine solution.  If you are wanting to purchase pre-made fermented foods, make sure you get foods/drinks with active microbes. (It will say it on the packages.)  It is important to know that if fermented foods have been pasteurized, baked or filtered, the microbes will not be active and will not carry the gut benefits. 

You can also make your own fermented vegetables.  There are countless recipes online and most only use a few ingredients.  It takes 2-3 weeks for the fermentation process to complete. The most commonly fermented veggies are cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, peppers, garlic and cauliflower. You can even benefit from drinking the juice/brine that the fermented veggies are floating in since it also contains the beneficial bacteria. Pickle juice snow cones anyone? 

Check out this kit (includes jars, lids, weights, tamper and a recipe book) to get started making your own fermented foods: https://amzn.to/3TGO2wh

Or if you prefer to eat already fermented foods try these raw, live, multi strain, probiotic, 3 Pk Pickle Bundle: https://amzn.to/3PGtpyZ

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